Popular Seafood in Japan

Seafood has continuously been a cherished food group in Japan, some of their most authentic dishes made from freshly caught sea creatures. Japanese food is known for being incredibly healthy, and seafood plays a big role in this as it has many major health benefits. Japan is a top consumer of seafood, eating it both safely raw and cooked. Here is some of the most popular seafood in Japan.
Unagi, or freshwater eel, is a very popular elongated fatty fish that can be made into various delicious meals. Unagi is served in unadon dishes, which are common in both Japan and western countries like \ the United States. Unagi can also be found in donburi dishes, as shown above, where the eel is sliced and laid on white rice. It can also be found in sushi dishes, called unakyu and is cooked with cucumber, since eel is poisonous raw.
Shishamo, also known as the Willow Leaf fish, are little fishes that are great fried or grilled, served fully intact. These little fish are native to Hokkaido, and while they may not seem appetizing to the eye, Shishamo can make the perfect crunchy or crispy dish.
Uni fish comes from a sea urchin roe, and has a bright orange or yellow color. This delicacy is used in sushi and is cooked into various dishes such as pasta, on rice, or in sushi due to its buttery smooth texture. Uni has many health benefits and is even considered an aphrodisiac. While they can be found in oceans all over the world, they are very difficult to catch and harvest making them an often expensive and luxurious dish to try.
Fugu, also known as putter fish, can be served in sashimi and chrinabe dishes. Fugu is deadly poisonous when improperly prepared, so it is important that the toxic parts of the fish are removed and do not contaminate the rest of the meat. Sashimi is made when fugu is cut into thin slices, often dipped in sauces. Fugu also can be prepared in stew, salads, and fried dishes.