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Why the Texture of Tofu Matters
Whether it's for miso soup, tofu dessert, or chilled tofu - the firmness of the tofu you’re using has a huge impact on how the dish comes out. Tofu is great because it holds many fantastic benefits for your body in its high protein. Because of this, tofu is often used as a meat alternative. -
Delicious School Lunches in Japan
More than 10 million elementary and junior high school students are served school lunches in 94% of the schools in Japan. How do they make delicious school lunches in Japan? -
5 Easy Tofu Recipes
Are you vegetarian, or just a big fan of tofu? We have some recipes for you! Tofu is wonderful because of how easy it is to change its flavor and fit it into different dishes! Here are 5 of our favorite ways to cook tofu. https://www.dis... -
Recommended 3 Recipes Using Miso
Miso is a superfood that originated in Japan. Among the many miso dishes available, here are three that are easy to try, even for those who are not familiar with the taste of miso. -
5 Japanese Ingredients you Need in your Pantry
Japanese dishes are often cooked using traditional Japanese ingredients. These days, Japanese food is popular because it's healthy, and here are five of the most commonly used ingredients! -
5 Ways to Spice Up Your Instant Ramen
In Japan, ramen is incredibly advanced and doesn’t often require much “fixing-up”. But there are some creative ways to make your ramen dish more interesting.