Popular Japanese Supplements

Nowadays, vitamins and supplements are used to improve almost any aspect of one’s everyday health. These supplements can come in many forms – from powder, liquid, or pill form.
Supplements are made to make up for the nutritional deficiencies your body experiences as a result of your current dietary intake. When these supplements are combined, it comes in the form of a multivitamin that can cover a range of deficiencies. In Japan, supplements are incredibly popular, especially due to cultural value placed on health. Here are some of some commonly used supplements in Japan and what they are used for.
Kracie Arederu Polygala Root Granule
In Japan, a lot of supplements are aimed towards the older population and their longevity. Kracie Arederu Polygala Root Granule uses polygala root which is believed to make you wiser, improve your memory, and clear your head. This may be because the root simulates the nervous system -therefore activating your memory and dealing with sleepless nights.
Takeda’s Midori no Shukan
Feel like you’re not getting in your healthy dose of vegetables? Takeda’s Midori no Shukan is a supplement that can help with that! This supplement contains 59 different types of nutrients, 3 different types of vegetable juice, and euglena. Euglena is a microalga that photosynthesizes and neutralizes acids and alkalis that enter your body.
▪Midori no Shukan
Eisai Chocola BB Gold Rich
Fatigue can be tough to beat, which is why Eisai Chocola BB Gold Rich is great for those seeking performing at a level higher than their exhaustion from the wear and tear of the day. In this supplement, natural herbs such as royal jelly, angelica acutiloba, and ginseng are said to cause the user the appearance and feeling of being revitalized. This supplement is also considered a beauty product as it works against acne breakouts. Eisai Chocola BB Gold Rich is great for those who are jetlagged, overworked, or have issues sleeping to start feeling like themselves again!