Third Culture Bakery: Marvelous Mochi

Mochi muffins, mochi brownies, mochi donuts, mochi EVERYTHING! At Third Culture Bakery, Chef Sam Butarbutar and Wenter Shyu use their upbringing as Third Culture kids, meaning they grew up in a different cultrue than their parents- as inspiration for their delicious baked goods.
Partners in buisness and life, Butarbutar and Shyu, started Third Culture Bakery in 2016. Their goal was to create pasteries that are refelctive of their Indonesian and Taiwanese childhoods. Their first pastery, the Mochi Muffin, was first sold at wholesale coffee shops. Today, there are multiple Third Culture Bakery’s around the United States; Aurora CO, Denver CO, Berkley CA, and opening soon in Walnut Creek CA!
The amazing thing about this comapny is that it continues to be primarily run by Butarbutar and Shyu, even as the buisness continues to expand to new stores and their products continue being sold at more locations. Third Culture Bakery also aims to promote acceptance, diversity, and inclusion through thier buisness. They also engage with nonprofits, wellness aprtnerships, and their local communities. Sweet in action and taste! This is a great buisness to support- if you would like to check out thier products or just see more on what they are about, visit their website .