The Spider is an Insect of Good Luck in Japan

What would you do if bugs were in your house? Some people would kill it, others would let it out. To the Japanese, spiders are considered very good things and should never be killed. Here is why spiders should not be killed, and when they should not be killed!
Spiders are insects that should not be killed.

In Japan, spiders have long been believed to be auspicious insects. The spider is called the messenger of Buddha, and is thought to be a creature that connects paradise and this world with a thread. They are said to bring good luck and customers to the store.
A spider in the morning is different from a spider at night.

A spider in the morning is a good omen
Morning spiders are considered to be particularly auspicious. Spiders characteristically build their webs only on sunny days. The day you find a spider means that you will be blessed with sunny weather all day long, which is a sign of good luck. So the custom of not killing the spider in the morning was born because it is a sign of good things to come. It is believed that if you don’t kill it, good fortune will come to you, money will come in, work will be successful, and your problems will be solved.
Night spiders should be killed
Depending on the region, the morning spider and the night spider are complete opposites. Night spiders are believed to be harbingers of burglary, foreboding bad luck and bad luck.They are also called messengers of hell, and there is a saying, “Kill the spider, even if it is your parent.” In Japan, there is an old story about a spider that comes to eat a man at night in the form of a terrifying Yamamba.
Night is generally defined as mid-afternoon. If you find a spider after noon, even if it is not at night, it will be a bad omen for you.
You shouldn’t kill spiders

Some spiders are “beneficial insects” and are in the role of killing pests. The Ashitaka spider feeds on cockroaches, and the fly spider feeds on flies. They are timid and do not harm humans. Cockroaches and flies are common in Japanese houses, so if you find a spider in your house in Japan, it is best not to kill it.