Tattoos Written in Japanese Gone Horribly Wrong

Tattoos express who you are on the inside on the outside. Keep that in mind as I take you on a journey through some of the internet’s cringiest attempts at getting a cool Japanese character tattoo.
Noodle Boy

“So my boyfriend got this tattoo the other day and was told it meant ‘loyalty’ in japanese kanji and just so happens my friend has ‘loyalty’ also in japanese kanji and they dont look anything alike please helppppp me asap.” –
We hate to break it to you, but those characters actually translate to 麺 [めん] , meaning noodles!
Gross Mistake

“What does this mean? My friend asked me to find out what she’s had tattooed on her shoulder since her teens. Can you translate it or identify it as junk?”-
These characters actually are 大過 [たいか] , meaning serious error or a gross mistake. Seems fitting…
From Pop Star to Grill Master

Ariana Grande’s hand tattoo from 2019 had the characters 七輪, translating to a type of Japanese charcoal cooking grill rather than promotion for her 7 Rings album. Next BBQ will be at Grande’s house!
Friends Don’t Let Friends Get “Ugly” Tattoos

“My girlfriend has this tattoo and she thinks it says ‘friendship’. can you confirm this thank you…” –
This tattoo has the character 醜, meaning bad looking; shame; ugly; unclean. Whoever told her to get that put on her body needs to learn the definition of friendship!
Toilet Monster

This tat has the characters: 厕 toilet, and 妖 goblin / witch / devil / bewitching / enchanting / monster / phantom /demon. Someone call a plumber!